カウンセラーと受講生は一緒に、履修科目・学歴・職歴・活動歴・Statementの内容・プログラム 終了後のCareerなどを考えて、推薦者を選びます。即ち、誰に何をどう内容で具体例を出して書いてもらうかの案分をする必要があります。また、通常、複数の推薦者の候補が考えられますので、推薦者の
なお、通常、推薦状は最低2通で3〜4通まで提出できます。ただし、多ければ良いということには決してなりませんから、2通以上提出する場合は良く考えて下さい。ColumbiaもLSACのApplication上では2通Requiredで3通Acceptedと言っていますが、3通目を出すにあたり、Columbiaのウェッブ上で Please do not submit more than two letters. Part of compiling a strong application for admission is determining which two recommenders are best able to evaluate your ability to pursue and succeed in graduate legal studies. In very rare circumstances, applicants may feel they have a compelling reason to submit an additional letter of recommendation.
Application (出願願書)やTranscripts (証明書)をLSACを通じて送るように、推薦状もLSACを通じて送ります。LSAC CASにすでに登録しており、かつ、推薦者がすでに決まっていることを前提とします。処理方法は以下の通りです。Directions
Applicationの欄でも説明しましたが、 願書を提出するにあたり上位校の中でHarvardはLSACを利用を利用していません。
推薦状の内容ですが、まず、推薦状作成依頼用紙(Letter of Recommendation Form)のDirectionsを熟読しましょう。
LSAC (PDFの推薦状依頼用紙から抜粋)
The person named above is applying for admission to the graduate LLM or other comparable advanced law degree program of one or more participating law schools and is requesting that you provide a letter of recommendation. Law schools view such letters as critical parts of their overall evaluation of each applicant, and we appreciate your willingness to participate. In writing your letter, please provide a frank assessment of the applicant’s academic abilities and suitability for graduate legal studies. In doing this, it can be very helpful to include information on or an assessment of the following: how well you know the applicant and in what capacity; the overall quality of the applicant’s academic record; the applicant’s oral and writing skills; the applicant’s maturity, character, and leadership ability; the applicant’s capacity for innovative or creative thinking; attributes that distinguish the applicant from other promising contemporaries; the applicant’s career aspirations, and the likelihood of the applicant achieving those aspirations; the applicant’s professional achievements and potential, if applicable; and the applicant’s fluency in written and spoken English, if applicable.
注意しなければならないのは、Personal Statement(PS)に書いたこととLetter of Recommendation(LOR)に書いてあることに齟齬です。PSには、必ず、「私は大学当時山田太郎教授の民事訴訟法のゼミで〜」といったAcademic Backgroundを記したパラグラフや「最初に扱った国際案件は日本の大手通信企業が米国の企業を買収でした。その案件は独禁法の〜に問題があり〜」などのようなProfessional Backgroundを含んだパラグラフがあります。PSで言ったこととLORで言ったことが違うという訳にはいかないのです。
例えば、Harvard Collegeに出願するときは2通の推薦状が必要で、Dean of Admissions & Financial Aida, Harvard CollegeのWilliam R. FitzsimmonsはNew York TimesのインタビューにFaced with more academically qualified applicants than places in the freshman class, our admission officers review the two required teacher recommendations and the counselor report with great care, often commenting on them in writing on “reader sheets” in each application. We often project the recommendations themselves onto large screens so that all members of the Admissions Committee can see them during the subcommittee and full committee review processes in February and March. [ 出典
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