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合格実績 受講生 出願条件 受験テスト
ランキング プログラム カリキュラム 就職・転職
出願書類 成績証明書 履歴書 Statement/Essay
推薦状 New York 州司法試験 受講生専用サイト 合格者の声






米国大使館と日米教育委員会(フルブライト・ジャパン)が開催したロー・スクール説明会&フェアで多数のパネリストが一番難しかった書類として掲げたのが、Personal Statement (PS)でした。


Personal StatementやEssayは審査基準の中で最も重きを置かれるものです。カウンセリングでも一番時間を費やします。与えられ課題に沿って答えを書くのは当たり前ですから必要条件として、どうしたらユニークで説得力のある十分条件に近いStatementになるのでしょうか。他の出願者と何をどうセグメントするとユニークなStatementになるのでしょうか。どのスクールもプログラムをアピールしたいポイントを出願者にホームページを通じて強調していますが、それらのアピールポイントをそのままリストアップしたら、そのスクールに行きたい理由になるのでしょうか?学位を得るために必要な単位を取るだけですか?履修する科目は明確な方向性をもっていますか?当たり前ですが、MBAとは違い教授が審査するという点はしっかり頭に入れておきましょう。Academicなmatchingが非常に重要です。


受講生とカウンセラーは、これまでの学歴、職歴、活動歴などと今後のCareer Goalsと留学理由などを勘案して、Personal Statementのロジックとパラグラフの展開を相談します。


最近問題となっているChatGPTのようなgenerative AI programをPersonal Statement作成に利用する是非に関して色々な意見がありますが、LSACの見解は以下のURLに載っていますので一読下さい。消えていた時のPDF



文責:岩崎 無料カウンセリング Top↑





Harvard Stanford UCLA
Columbia U.Chicago U.Virginia
Georgetown U.Michigan U.Southern California
U.Pennsylvania Northwestern  
UC, Berkeley Duke


New York Cornell





The Personal Statement is an essential component of your application. It provides an opportunity for you to present your ideas and demonstrate your writing ability to the Committee on Graduate Studies. Please limit your statement to no more than 1,500 words —anything exceeding this limit will be disregarded. Please note that footnotes do not count towards the overall word limit as long as they are limited to providing sources and citations. The Personal Statement must be solely the product of your own efforts. We reserve the right to disqualify the application of a candidate who has submitted a Personal Statement written by, or with the help of, someone other than the candidate. Your Personal Statement should address both of the following questions specifically, with Part (A) constituting at least half of the total length:


(A) Briefly describe either an important issue in your field of interest or a current legal problem facing a particular country, region, or the world, and then propose a theoretical framework or a legal analysis or strategy to address this issue.


(B) Please tell us something about yourself — in particular, why you wish to pursue an LL.M. degree at Harvard and how doing so connects with what you have done in the past and what you plan to do in the future.


Please follow the instructions on the Personal Statement page of the online application to upload your Personal Statement. Note that your Personal Statement must be uploaded and submitted with the rest of your application. We will not accept any Personal Statement sent to us separately from the online application


Important: Your personal statement must address the above questions
specifically, and must be solely the product of your own efforts. We
reserve the right to disqualify a statement written by, or with the help
of, someone other than the applicant.


Note: There is a word limit of 1,500 words; please provide a word count
at the end of your essay. Please be sure to use 12-point font, with at
least one-inch (2.5 cm) margins on each side.


文責:岩崎 無料カウンセリング Top↑





Your Personal Statement should describe your background, academic interests, the program of study you wish to follow, and your reasons for doing so. You should prepare this statement without assistance from others. The format of the statement should not exceed three double-spaced pages using a 12-point font with standard margins. We will not consider your application without a Personal Statement, and we will not accept a résumé or curriculum vitae in place of the statement.


文責:岩崎 無料カウンセリング Top↑





The Personal Statement should describe your background, goals, and reasons for applying to Georgetown and your chosen program. You should include any information that you feel will assist the Graduate Admissions Committee in its decision. This information should provide the Admissions Committee with more depth than is available in your transcripts and resume alone regarding your fit for the program and school.

文責:岩崎 無料カウンセリング Top↑



Univ. of Pennsylvania


Please submit a personal statement of no more than two typed pages. We recommend that you refrain from merely repeating the accomplishments listed on your resume/cv. Instead, address your specific reasons for pursuing a graduate law degree in the U.S. and at Penn Law in particular. You may also explain why your background would make you a good candidate for Penn Law's program and include your post-graduation plans. Although we do not require any particular font or spacing, we expect applicants to submit professional and easy to read personal statements. Statements are to be authored exclusively by the applicant.



UC, Berkeley


The Personal Statement should describe your legal interests, the particular area of study you intend to undertake as a law student, the reasons you wish to study at Berkeley Law, and your professional plans or goals following completion of your degree. Since the Advanced Degree Programs Committee does not grant interviews, you may also use the statement to describe aspects of yourself that are not apparent from your other application materials. The Personal Statement should be written without assistance from others, and should be limited to no more than about three pages of double-spaced text.



文責:岩崎 無料カウンセリング Top↑



New York


All applicants must electronically attach to the online application a brief personal statement of no more than 500 words. Applicants may describe their professional interests and goals, or they may use the statement to describe aspects of themselves and/or their work that are not apparent from their other application materials. Applicants should include their reasons and qualifications for applying to a particular program or specialization.




Please attach a statement of two to three pages that will inform the Admissions Committee about the applicant's experience in legal practice and interest in graduate study (in the applicable specialization). This statement should also discuss the applicant's professional goals, and how the completion of an LLM degree could benefit his or her legal career.

文責:岩崎 無料カウンセリング Top↑




Univ. of Chicago


Attach a brief statement (1 to 3 pages) describing the academic interests you wish to pursue at Chicago and your career plans following completion of our program.



Univ. of Michigan


The University of Michigan Law School has long understood that enrolling students with a broad range of perspectives and experiences generates a vibrant culture of comprehensive debate and discussion, and we view our student body as one of our richest resources. The wide-ranging and challenging conversations of our diverse student body, inside and outside the classroom, enrich the quality of our community’s intellectual life and enhance the quality of the legal education here.

Essay submissions are an extremely helpful tool for evaluating your potential contributions to our community. Please submit the required essays (Q. 1 and 2). Feel free to submit up to two additional essays. Keep in mind that we do not have a fixed checklist of particular attributes we seek in our students; you will have the best insights into what is most important for us to know about you.

For ease of reading, please use double-spacing and at least an 11-point font.

1. (Required, limit: 500 words) Describe your current hopes for your career after completing the LLM program. How will your education, experience and development so far support those plans?

2. (Required; limit: 300 words) Why do you want to earn your degree at Michigan Law? And in what way would you like to contribute to society after earning your degree at Michigan Law?


Supplemental Essays

Optional Essay(s)

a. (limit: 400 words)- What do you consider your greatest accomplishment in your life so far? What led you to it, and how does it (or does it not?) influence your life choices?

b. (limit: 400 words) What makes you unique in the world?

c. (limit: 400 words) What would you like us to know that is not already covered in your application?


文責:岩崎 無料カウンセリング Top↑






Please provide a detailed personal statement of approximately 750 words (two pages, double-spaced). The personal statement provides an opportunity to introduce yourself to the Admissions Committee. While the statement is intended to be flexible, please include a discussion of your academic and career goals and how Northwestern can help you achieve them.


文責:岩崎 無料カウンセリング Top↑






Provide a statement about your professional and educational experience, goals in studying law in the United States, future plans, previous overseas experience, and anything else relevant to your application.  If you have a particular reason why you want to attend Duke (alumni in family, interest in specific professor or course, spouse or significant other applying), please let us know.
Personal statement 2-5 pages in length





A detailed (approximately 750 words) personal statement of interest is an essential part of the application. The statement should include a discussion of your purpose in obtaining the degree, as well as an explanation of your research and study interests and their relation to your previous education and professional goals. Please include your full name on the top of each page of the statement of interest.


文責:岩崎 無料カウンセリング Top↑






An important aspect of the application is the personal statement, in which applicants describe their objectives in pursuing graduate legal studies at UCLA School of Law. Discuss any matters relevant to your ability to succeed in law school and the practice of law, and any attributes, experiences, or interests that would enable you to make a distinctive contribution to UCLA and the legal profession. The personal statement should be typed double-spaced in 12-point font, and should not exceed three pages in length.


Univ. of Virginia


Personal Statement
Please submit an electronic attachment labeled 'Personal Statement' to tell us more about yourself that would be helpful in evaluating your application. 500 word maximum.
Academic and Career
Describe the principal subject areas in which you wish to concentrate your studies and how it relates to your short- and long-term career plans.


文責:岩崎 無料カウンセリング Top↑



Univ. of Southern California


Please include your personal, academic, and professional background and your reasons for seeking an advanced degree. Limit to no more than three pages.


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